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The larger field of Applied Behavior Analysis
What is Behavior Analysis?
Behavior analysis is the scientific study of behavior.
"Behavior analysts ask, Why does behavior change over time? They seek answers by looking at the biological and environmental factors, although they are primarily interested in the role of environment in behavior change. Many behavior analysts do either basic or applied research. Others specialize in applying behavior change principles to enhancing quality of life..."
Read further about behavior analysis at ABA International.
7 Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis
In the seminal article of the field, Some Current Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis [1], Donald Baer, Montrose Wolf, and Todd Risley identified the seven dimensions which define what applied behavior analysis is, and what distinguishes it from experimental behavior analysis,
That research and study is undertaken because of its importance to man and society, rather than theory, and considers how immediately important is this study or application to the participant?
That study is based on observation of behavior, that of the person being worked with, but also of that of the others participating in the study.
To establish, by analysis of that observed, that variables stated to be responsible for behavior, are indeed so, and not some other factor.
That techniques making up a behavioral application are clearly identified, defined, and detailed so that someone else could do the same thing and obtain similar results.
To tie techniques to behavioral principles, so that applied technology is more than a bag of tricks.
That the application of behavioral techniques produces a meaningful effect of practical value.
That a behavioral change demonstrates durability and application to a large variety of relevant situations and environments.
1. Baer, D.M.., Wolf, M. M., & Risley, T. (1968). Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 91-97. doi: 10.1901/jaba.1968.1-91
Primary Websites
Association for Behavior Analysis International
"The Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABA International) is a nonprofit professional membership organization with the mission to develop, enhance, and support the growth and vitality of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice."
Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
Behavior Can Change--FABA
The BACB/The Behavior Analyst Certification Board
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) is a national certification board which designates certification to those who meet the coursework, practicum and examination requirements of the BACB, as meeting minimum requirements for the practice of applied behavior analysis.
The BACB currently has three levels:
- The new (Dec. 2008) designation of Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral (BCBA-D), for those certificants with Doctoral degrees and competencies specified by the BACB ,
- The Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), which requires a mimimum of a Master's degree in applied behavior analysis or other relevant Master's degree as specified by the BACB, and
- the Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA), which requires a minimum of a Bachelor's degree, and are not allowed to independently practice in the absence of on-going supervision by a BCBA.
Review courses and materials for the Certification Exam
Siri Ming
BACB Exam Prep Course
Orlando Behavior Health Services, LLC.
Live Exam Prep Courses
Home study
Behavior Development Solutions
CBA Learning Module Series
CD based computer tutorial
Glossaries of Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavioral Support
FREE/Online University of South Florida Glossary for Behavior Analysis
FREE/Online Glossary of Positive Behavioral Support
$ Newman, B., Reeve, K.F., Reeve, S.A., Ryan, C.S. (2003)
Behaviorspeak: A Glossary of Terms in Applied Behavior Analysis.
Dove and Orca.
Available at
$ White, O.R. (1971). A Glossary of Behavioral Terminology. Research Press Co.
Includes Precision Teaching, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Experimental Behavior Analysis terminology; definitions from Precision Teaching include: COLAB, IS-DOES, movement-cycle,and many others.
Out of print--check used booksellers for availability
Interesting Websites and Blogs on ABA
Website of Dr. Barry Lowenkron
Academic pgms and orgs, books, journals, products and services
Gary Brown, Ph.D., Dept. Psych. U-TN
Applied Behavior Analysis: Current Topics
Angela Mouzakatis, Ph.D., BCBA
CUNY Hunter College
Topics discussed include ABA and autism, special education, behavior disorders, positive behavior supports.
Welcome to a forum dedicated to applied behavior analysis. The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for students, parents and professionals to access information and discuss timely concerns regarding the science of applied behavior analysis in a reader-friendly manner.
Ronald Leaf, Ph.D. , John McEachin, Ph.D., Mitchell Taubman, Ph.D
Autism Partnership
Patrick S. Williams, PhD
University of Houston-Downtown
"The dead man test was devised by Ogden Lindsley in 1965 as a rule of thumb for deciding if something is a behavior. The need for such a test stems from the importance of focusing on what an organism actually does when attempting to understand or modify its behavior. My students and I probably remind each other of the dead man test more than any other concept we study. Malott and Suarez (2003, p. 9) characterize the dead man test as follows:
If a dead man can do it, it ain't behavior, and if a dead man can't do it, then it is behavior
Thoughts, commentary and analysis on TeachTown and autism spectrum disorders
Vince LaMarca, M.A., BCBA, Editor
Lovaas Institute
Richard Kubina, Ph.D.
The Pennsylvania State University
Diana Almodovar , M.A., SLP. CUNY
Angela Mouzakitis, Ed.D., BCBA CUNY Hunter College
John W. Eshleman, Ed.D., BCBA
Roger Bass, Ph.D
Behavioral shaping by "TAGteach"/clicker training
To Read,listen, view and learn More about ABA
SUGGESTED Resources for Parents and Teachers Interested in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Intervention for Autism
Catherine Maurice, Ph.D.
Focus on Behavior Analysis in Education Conference 2002
Ohio State University
Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism Treatment:Accurate and Effective Dissemination of Information
NOTE: Fabrizio/Moors Consulting is now Organization for Research and Learning
Michael A. Fabrizio, M.A., BCBA
Fabrizio/Moors Consulting
University of Washington
A Reading List for Behaviour Analysts...
Ontario Association For Behaviour Analysis/ONTABA

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