
Research Journals and Articles

Page history last edited by Regina Claypool-Frey 15 years, 11 months ago


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Research Journals and Articles




Click on a topic or title to jump down


Online Alerting Service

2/5/09 CASA alerting service appears to no longer be active; looking into whether this is the case.

FREE Registry service for research papers in autism

Current Alerting Service for Autism (CASA )

Support for CASA was provided by SBIR Grant # IR44MH61041-01A1

from the National Institute of Mental Health.





Research and evidence base VB Approach to EIBI


FREE Bartman, S. & Freeman, N. (2003).

Teaching Language to a Two-Year-Old with Autism

Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 10(1).

At VB Community


FREE Carr, J. E. & Firth, A. M. (2005).

The verbal behavior approach to early and intensive behavioral intervention for autism: a call for additional empirical support

Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Interventions. 2(1), 18-27


FREE Cautilli, J. (2006).

Validation of the Verbal Behavior Package: Old Wine New Bottle- A Reply to Carr & Firth.

The Journal of Speech and Language Pathology- Applied Behavior Analysis. 1(1), 81-92.


FREE Kates-McElrath and Axelrod, S. (2006).

Behavioral Intervention for Autism: A Distinction Between Two Behavior Analytic Approaches.

The Behavior Analyst Today. 7(2), 242-252.


Reed, P., Osborne, L.A., & Corness, M. (2006).

Brief Report: Relative Effectiveness of Different Home-based Behavioral Approaches to Early Teaching


Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

DOI 10.1007/s10803-006-0306-8




Sundberg, M.L., Michael, J. (2001).

The benefits of Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior for children with autism.

Behavior Modification, 25(5), 698-724.

DOI: 10.1177/0145445501255003


See also:

$ A Collection of Reprints on Verbal Behavior

By Mark L. Sundberg and Jack Michael

Also available at: Special Needs Project


"This volume of reprints brings together research and analyses published by Sundberg and/or Michael and their collaborators over the past 15 years in journals such as The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, JEAB, JABA, Behaviorism, and The Behavior Analyst. The book includes sections on establishing operations and the mand, teaching verbal behavior to individuals with language impairments, teaching verbal behavior to nonhumans, topography-based and selection-based verbal behavior, automatic reinforcement and punishment, conceptual issues, research topics and reference lists."


Especially in regards to Motivative Operations and Establishing Operations

FREE and $ Dr. Jack Michael's Publications



Evidence in support of EIBI--replication studies




Research Behind Some Procedures Cited in ABA+VB programs





Other articles or citations of interest


PCDI Bibliography

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention with Children with Autism: Pilot Study in Japan

Takahiro YAMAMOTO & Yoshiaki NAKANO

(Sophia University)

Focus on Behavior Analysis in Education Conference 2002

Ohio State University

Intensive teaching results in dramatic improvements

Thursday April 26, 2007

The Guardian


A two-year British study into the impact of early intensive behavioural intervention (EIBI) found that some toddlers on the programme jumped 40 IQ points. A quarter showed "very substantial improvements", and none regressed.


The youngsters also showed more advanced language and better daily living skills than similar children in a control group who received standard educational support such as speech therapy..."


A more detailed overview  at Research Autism


The full study on which this research report is based is:

Remington, B., Hastings, R. P., Kovshoff, K. et al. A field effectiveness study of early intensive behavioural intervention: outcomes for children with autism and their parents after two years. American Journal on Mental Retardation. (In press).






Click on a title or category to jump down


Lay-audience friendly

Behavior Parenting Abstracts

FREE Behavior Parenting Abstracts

Easy to understand summaries with citations

Behavior Logic Articles

FREE Behavior Logic Articles

Straightforward and non-technical descriptions of behavioral principles in theory and in practice for increasing positive behavior and lives for animals and people.


Behavior Analysis Digest

$ Behavior Analysis Digest

W. Joseph Wyatt, Ph.D.


FREE Behavior Analysis Digest Reprints

Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies


Research Journals

Behavior Analyst Online journals

FREE--open access journals

BAT: The Behavior Analyst Today

JEIBI : The Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention

IJBCT: International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy

SLP-ABA: The Journal of Speech - Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis

JBAHSFM: Journal of Behavior Analysis in Health, Sports, Fitness and Medicine

JOBA-OVTP: The Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim - Treatment and Prevention

The Behavioral Development Bulletin



Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JABA)

$ and FREE Website of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JABA)


FREE Archived JABA

PubMed archives--open access: 1968 to present with a 6 month/2 issue embargo


Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB)

$ and FREE Website of the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB)


FREE Archived JEAB

PubMed archives--open access: 1958 to present with a 6 month/2 issue embargo


ABA International Journals

The Analysis of Verbal Behavior

$ The Analysis of Verbal Behavior

Official Journal of ABA International

journal requires subscription


The Behavior Analyst

$ The Behavior Analyst

Official Journal of ABA International

journal requires subscription


Behavior Analysis in Practice

$ Behavior Analysis in Practice

FUTURE JOURNAL scheduled publication 2008

Official Journal of ABA International

a peer-reviewed journal for practitioners and the people who train and supervise them.


Other ABA/Behavior Mod Research Journals

Behavior Modification

$ Behavior Modification

abstracts FREE;

articles require private purchase or institutional contract

papers by many prominent ASD/BA researchers


Behavioral Interventions

$ Behavioral Interventions

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract

Not JABA, but ABA --found papers by Rick Kubina, Wayne Fisher, etc.


European Journal of Behavior Analysis

$ European Journal of Behavior Analysis

Order form to purchase this journal


Journal of Behavioral Education

$ Journal of Behavioral Education

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract

Using techniques of ABA in school settings for students with DD


Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions

$ Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract

Focus on Positive Behavior Supports; school issues, social stories, etc.


Research in Developmental Disabilities

$ Research in Developmental Disabilities

abstract FREE; complimentary issue/articles offered;

most articles require private purchase or institutional contract

abstracts and pdf downloads--not strictly speaking ABA , but there

are papers on ASD and some authored by BAs



Other research journals


American Journal on Mental Retardation

American Journal on Mental Retardation

Journal articles--MR/DD--Fragile X/Angelman's/Prader-Willi, Down

Syndrome, etc.

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract





As a SAGE journal, this becomes available for free trial from time to time to registered user.

Ordinarily, abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract.




Education and Treatment of Children

Education and Treatment of Children

List of abstracts

The full text of articles published in Education & Treatment of Children are available online through the EBSCO database via university and some public libraries.




Exceptional Children

Exceptional Children

Online journal from the Council for Exceptional Children


Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilties

Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilties

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract

Different topics autism




International Journal of Special Education

International Journal of Special Education

FREE downloads of articles in MSWord format

DD/SPED Journal--some articles on token system, PT, etc.

FREE downloads of articles in MSWord format




Intervention in School and Clinic

Intervention in School and Clinic

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract

School and instructional issues for learning disability, special needs




Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract




Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry

Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract

Primarily cognitive behavioral therapy, but a few behavior mod

papers for PDD/DD/ASD




Journal of Special Education

Journal of Special Education

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract

research articles in all sub-specialties of special education for

individuals with handicaps ranging from mild to severe.




Research in Developmental Disabilities

Research in Developmental Disabilities

abstracts FREE; complimentary issue/articles offered;

most articles require private purchase or institutional contract

not strictly speaking ABA , but there are papers on ASD and some authored by BAs




Topics in Early Childhood Special Education

Topics in Early Childhood Special Education

abstracts FREE; articles require private purchase or institutional contract


More journal listings at Encyclopedia of Psychology

More journal listings at Encyclopedia of Psychology







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