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You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!
DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is presented on an "as is" basis, and does not claim to present definitive information, make recommendation or to represent any official body or organization. Users of this site agree that the owner of the site or authors of pages and articles are indemnified against legal liability
To make it easy on readers and myself, I am going to be adding news feeds of the various posts on workshops and other opportunities here. This is a new thing for me, so let's see how it goes [smile].
2/20/09 Apologies for loss of the google translator!
pbwiki is changing its format and editor, and as one of those changes it is redacting (inactivating) small javascripts that used to function on this site. One of those inactivated was the google translator. I'm looking for an acceptable alternative, but in the meantime, to translate the pages, start in google translator and type in the URL of this site.
Autoclitics are a relatively advanced topic in Verbal Behavior but have relevance to language instruction and as tact modifiers. This is repost of a very clear description of classifications by Dr. Jay C.Moore. Suggestions for further reading are included at the bottom of the page.
PBWiki is in the process of changing its sites to a different format and editor system effective March 9, 2009. It's not clear at the present time how, or whether, this will affect the functionality or format of this site. We apologize in advance for any glitches when the switchover occurs.
When the site started, I had hoped that I could keep up with ongoing workshops--esp. if announcements were forwarded for posting, but because of the time seeking this info, rather than having no announcements on the page or only out-of-date information, it is likely that active content will be discontinued and the pages and links deleted. It's not quite decided, but if those changes occur, that is the reason. Thanks for your understanding.
Site updates; contact us about bad links or new info
4/14/08 Page reorganization in progress
When I first started the site, there was not quite so much info and organization was not such an issue. As time has gone on, it has become more so, so I am gradually going through the site and consolidating and editing some pages, checking link status and trying to add features to make it more navigatible. Thanks for you patience while this is going on.
Streaming Media: Advanced Verbal Behavior Principles and Approaches for Developing Language in Children with Autism (Video Clip wmv 275 MB) and Handout
and note that there is also a new wiki page on the subject
Some functions on the site using Javascript, such as the Babelfish translator, have been disabling. The happens from time to time, so I am trying to find a solution to keep the function enabled and stable. Thanks for your understanding.
1/7/08 Help tell me about bad or inactive links--thanks.
In honor of the new year, I am going through the links to check their status and building some new pages. If you happen on a bad link, or see a new service, or resource that might be relevant to the site topic, PLEASE EMAIL
There might be some reorganization at some point, so thanks for your understanding :-).
This product reflects the values and beliefs and the vision of Behavior Analysts, Inc., to reach out to Spanish speaking communities. This valuable evaluation and tracking tool is now available to these communities such that children with special needs and their families will also have access to an effective treatment option.
About the upcoming VB-MAPP, trainings (which include a beta-version of the VB-MAPP), and downloads of presentations and papers related to Verbal Behavior.
A two-year British study into the impact of early intensive behavioural intervention (EIBI) found that some toddlers on the programme jumped 40 IQ points. A quarter showed "very substantial improvements", and none regressed.
The youngsters also showed more advanced language and better daily living skills than similar children in a control group who received standard educational support such as speech therapy..."
To send us an announcement to post, please email us
3/25/08 Ottawa, Canada Dr. Mark Sundberg, Ph.D., BCBA Twenty-two Language and Learning Barriers that can Affect Children with Autism: Assessment, Analysis, and Intervention
Dr. Mark Sundberg, Ph.D., BCBA will be returning to Ottawa on Tuesday, March 25th to present
Twenty-two Language and Learning Barriers that can Affect Children with Autism:
Assessment, Analysis, and Intervention
Please note this is an ADVANCED workshop
(attendees must have attended an Introduction to Verbal Behaviour Workshop).
For more information please visit www.portialearning.com.
ABA International 2008 Autism Conference DVD/Webcast Package with BACB CE!
ABA International
Subject: 2008 Autism Conference DVD/Webcast Package with BACB CE!
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:17:52 -0500
If you are unable to attend the 2008 Autism Conference titled "Issues and Recent Advancements in the Behavioral Treatment of Autism: Practical Strategies for Changing Behavior at Home and School" in Atlanta, the Association for Behavior Analysis International is pleased to offer a DVD/Webcast package featuring the latest in home- and community-based interventions and curriculum and instruction in the classroom. The DVD and Webcast will include keynote addresses from ten distinguished speakers and will allow you to pause presentations, skip certain talks, and watch all at your leisure.
Save $20 now by purchasing the DVD/Webcast package online at
Your DVD will be shipped, and access codes for the Webcast portion of the package will be sent via e-mail, by March 3rd. The DVD can be viewed on a regular DVD player via TV or a computer with a DVD player. A total of nine BACB CE credits will also be available for an additional flat fee.
The ten invited speakers have prepared valuable and informative presentations which cover critical topics in the field of autism. A few of these topics include: "From DT to DI: Using Direct Instruction to Teach Students with ASD," "Developing Active Learner Participation by Children with Autism: Capturing the Motivational Variables," and "Comprehensive ABA Programming: Matching Learner Needs with Instructional Strategies." The esteemed speakers are Dr. Andy Bondy, Dr. Gina Green, Dr. Patricia Krantz, Dr. Gregory MacDuff, Dr. James Partington, Dr. Laura Schreibman, Dr. Ilene Schwartz, Dr. Mary Beth Walsh, Dr. Cathy Watkins, and Dr. Mary Jane Weiss. To see a full list of topics and detailed program information, please visit http://www.abainternational.org/autconf/program/program.asp
If you would like to attend the conference February 8-10, it is possible to register on-site at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Hotel.
We hope you will take advantage this convenient option to experience the educational benefits of the 2008 Autism Conference by purchasing the DVD/Webcast package.
"Utilizing scientifically validated treatment procedures, Eden II/Genesis Programs has been a leader in the effective intervention and education of individuals with autism over the past 30 years. In an effort to disseminate sound information about autism spectrum disorders and provide training and support, Eden II/Genesis Programs is offering the winter workshops."
For more workshop information or to receive a workshop brochure, please contact
Marissa Bennett 516.937.1397 Ext. 217 or mbennett@eden2. org
The workshop brochure can be viewed and downloaded online at http://www.eden2.org
May 1-3, 2008, Syracuse, NY: "Introduction to Verbal Behavior: Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, Dr. Vincent J. Carbone, Ed.D., BCBA
Event: Introduction to Verbal Behavior: Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Introduction to Verbal Behavior: Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities with Dr. Vincent J. Carbone, Ed.D., BCBA
This workshop focuses on the behavioral approach to teaching communication skills to children with autism and other developmental disabilities. This approach is based on B.F. Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior and the research of Michael, Sundberg, Partington and others.
Feb 13-15, Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Introduction to Verbal Behavior: Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, Dr. Vincent J. Carbone, Ed.D., BCBA
Introduction to Verbal Behavior: Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
February 13-15, 2008 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Presented by Dr. Vincent J. Carbone, Ed.D., Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Christina Burk ABA/VB Workshop/monthly trainings info
Christina Burk, MA,BCBA has info on her trainings and monthly workshops available at her website http://www.ChristinaBurkABA.com under "Training".
In addition, Christina requests that those interested in this and other of her monthly workshops please subscribe to the ABATraining yahoogroup by visiting the link and subscribing or by sending a blank email to ABATraining-Subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Subscription is necessary to get updates and location info.
General info about the trainings:
"This training series is intended for parents of learners with autism or
other developmental disabilities, those who have never worked in ABA but are
interested in being trained, and those who already work as ABA staff but need a
refresher or more specific training in teaching verbal behavior. Each
training series will last for 2 days; both full days are mandatory.
Each training day will last from 9:30 AM until 5:30 PM.
DAY 1 : Mainly brief background on the science of behavior analysis, teaching verbal behavior, effective teaching procedures, addressing undesired behavior, gaining instructional control through "pairing," and using the ABLLS to guide instruction, among other topics. Any remaining time will be spent role-playing in pairs to practice the teaching procedures.
DAY 2 will be intensive continued hands-on training, Q & A, and discussion of the material covered.
The first part of the NET workshop will show video of multiple learners working in the NET. Participants will learn how NET lesson plans are created. Each participant will go home with a NET lesson plan to use with their learner.
Requirements: Bring a list of 5 target skills that your learner is currently working on or you plan to soon.
Part 2 - February 21, 2008
We will have the opportunity to learn from each other by watching video from workshop participants. Participants will have the opportunity to get feedback, ask questions, and improve their NET teaching skills.
Requirements: Bring a video or DVD of your NET Lesson plan in action
Natural Environment Teaching is where the learners acquire new skills through play.
The important elements of NET are to keep in mind
what you want to teach
to identify what motivates the child
to be creative in figuring out how to teach the target skills using those motivations
and to have FUN
When the target skills are functional and motivating, much can be accomplished in the natural environment
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