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Grouplists and Yahoogroups
Other Forums
Recommended-VB Community in the United Kingdom
This has a discussion forum and downloadable references
Recommended-Verbal Behavior 4585 members
The focus of this list is teaching verbal behavior (VB) within a program of applied behavior analysis (ABA).
Recommended-DTT-NET 4142
This is commonly referred to as Applied Verbal Behavior (AVB)which is a specialty within the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). It is a place where parents and professionals running home (and school) programs can discuss concerns and share their knowledge of this type of teaching.
abaparents 1404
The purpose of this list is to be a support realm for parents (and educators) who are implementing an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) approach in educating their children on the Autistic Spectrum.
abaconnections 552
abaconnections is an excellent forum for parents, professionals, community members, therapist, family members or any one who is involved in the lives of children with autism or other developmental disabilities.
ME-list yahoogroup 151
The ME-List yahoogroup is a newly formed (Mar 2009) complement to the original Me-list LISTSERV discussion list on ABA applications for autism, with parent, family and professional members worldwide. The name is derived from Ivar Lovaas, Ph.D.'s book, "Teaching Developmentally Disabled Children: The Me Book".
RFT 463
This group is designed as a communication forum for both those interested in learning more about RFT, and those actively engaged in RFT research and application. It supplements the ACT RFT website, .
TAGteach 369
This list is for certified TAG teachers, people who are applying the TAG methodology in their own lives, and those just interested in learning more.
ABAinNewYorkState 288
A board dedicated to discussions of Applied Behavior Analysis in New York State.
The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for SLPs with an interest in ABA and ABA professionals with an interest in communicative enhancement to interact with each other about clinical/research issues of mutual interest.
Applied_Behavior_Analysis 131
Topics which members are encouraged to explore and discuss include verbal behavior, theoretical analysis, and clinical application as it applies to any participant population including autism, DD, TBI.
behavioranalysisand disruptivedisorders 122
This list is sponsored by the Behavior Analyst Online organization a special interest group of the International Association for Behavior Analysis. This list is for parents and professionals interested in behavior analytic assessments such as functional behavioral assessment and curriculum based measurement as well as behaviorally based interventions.
behavioranalysisandpublicpolicy 121
The group is for behavior analysts in all areas of research, education, and clinical work who are grappling with the policy implications of their work. The group discusses public policy, conducting policy analysis, and relating cost and benefit information to policy makers and consumers.
bcbadiscussion 52
This group is designed for fellow Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) students and certification holders to talk about topics regarding Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Clinical_SIG 51
The ABA Clinical Special Interest Group is composed of those members of the Association for Behavior Analysis working in the application of behavior analysis in clinical domains.
behaviorism_rules 36
This group is for discussions about behaviorism, the philosophy of the science of behavior.
JointControl 33
This group is primarily for communication among Behavior Analysts interested in joint control.
poacofcentralmd 22
POAC Central MD 'was' BC Autism and VB Interest Group
POAC of Central Maryland is a training, support and advocacy resource for families regarding (ABA) programs for children with autism. We meet each month to discuss our experiences with creating and funding ABA programs. We share strategies and resources and advocate together for the services that our children need. We continue our discussions throughout the month via this distribution group. When applying to join this group, please let us know where in Central MD you live. Thanks!
ebip ยท applied behavior analysis 22
Professional behavior analysts and serious students interested in sharing ideas and experiences in applied behavior analysis
abatechnologysig 19
The purpose of this group is for parents, students, teachers, clinicians, and researchers to educate the community about technology in Applied Behavior Analysis.
Professional Listservs
Verbalbeh-l; Verbal Behavior Discussion Forum
Professional/Academic forum
TBA-L: Teaching Behavior Analysis Discussion Forum
Professional/Academic forum
Precision Teaching and Celeration Charting
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