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Don't forget to check out CURRICULA and TOOLS , ASSESSMENTS

Direct Instruction Teaching Curriculum

Click on a category to jump down.

DI curricula from SRA--website and supplementary info


$$ SRA Direct Instruction Curriculum Packages

Reading, Math, Spelling, Language

NOTE: It has come to our attention that parents and homeschoolers may have difficulty purchasing these through SRA AND that the non-school prices may be 25%

above the catalog prices.

One option for simplifying purchase may be

Ordering Direct Instruction materials through VB Teaching Tools

dead link corrected 11/29/07



$ Morningside Press

Fluency supplements for core curriculum

Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading, Expressive Writing, Anita Archer,

much more.

Even though this is supplementary material, you might want to consider adding a fluency-training component from the start.


Note--11/29/07 The direct link to the KU site seems to have problems at the KU server. If it doesn't work, a temporary way is by this link from Google cache

See also, University of Kansas, Special Connections

Instructional Tools Related to Direct Instruction

Good background descriptions of the various programs.



Aug. 1, 2007--Opportunity: Online webcast on DI by Cathy Watkins


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

9:00 a.m.-noon



Cathy Watkins

This session will be an overview of Direct Instruction, focusing particularly on the development of reading and language skills using the Reading Mastery and Language for Learning curriculum. Program design and instructional techniques will be emphasized.

Link to full info on this conference




Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons=Reading Mastery Classic I&II


$ Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons,

1986 Engelmann, S., Haddox, P., Bruner, E. Fireside.

GREAT beginning reading program. Worth getting if you want to "try out" DI without an initial investment in the more expensive curriculum materials.


$ Supplementary Materials

for Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.

(Dr. Phyllis Haddox's website) Supplementary materials and video on presentation and pacing.

Funnix-Computer-based Direct Instruction reading program

$ Funnix

"A Tutor in Your Computer"

Computer-based Direct Instruction reading program.





News and supplementary materials


Morningside Press fluency supplements

$ Morningside Press

Fluency supplements for core curriculum

Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading, Expressive Writing, Anita Archer,

much more.



Reading Mastery support materials from NIFDI

4/25/07 FREE Downloads of newly revised implementation support materials from NIFDI

"Now they are available to anyone to download and use for classroom purposes

(as long as the NIFDI copyright mark is retained)."


* Sentence Copying Program for Reading Mastery I Block

* Sentence Copying Program for Reading Mastery I Slant

* Sentence Copying Program for Reading Mastery II Block

* Sentence Copying Program for Reading Mastery II Slant

* Coaching Level A: Manual Data Analysis and Rehearsing with Teachers

* Price List and Order Form for hard copy

Info on new DI Algebra curriculum

4/20/07 Info on new DI Algebra curriculum

FREE and $$ SRA Essentials for Algebra: A Direct Instruction Approach.

Prepublication samplesPosted temporarily.

Because materials are in preprint status, best ordering option

is through SRA DI Regional Reps.

Info from Bernie Kelly, DI-list.


Teacher Materials include:

Spiral-bound Presentation Books (2); Teacher's Guide; Answer Key; Write-On CD-ROM.

Student Materials
Teacher Materials
Teacher Materials0-07-602189-0298.80
Additional Teacher's Guide0-07-602196-326.94
Additional Answer Key0-07-602195-519.98



Free supplements for SRA DI Horizons A-B(Gr 1-3)

4/19/07 FREE Resources from SRA DI Horizons A-B(Gr 1-3)

Fun Free Resources for Your Classroom

SRA Class Notes Spring 2007

Info on Horizons

Horizons Fast Track A-B Writing Ideas

Horizons Fast Track A-B Fluency Practice slices

Horizons Fast Track A-B Spelling List



Zig Engelmann's Low Performer's Manual--prerequisities for DI curriculum


In regards to severe learners and basic prerequisites for entry into DI curriculum

Author: Siegfried Engelmann. This and more also available on his website, Stuff from the Computer of Zig Engelmann


Prologue to the Low Performer's Manual


FREE Low Performers Manual (pdf)

BIG file Right click and save.


Our comment: The manual, while informative and useful in the whole, was originally written in the '70's and is dated in the occasional use of aversive contingencies. Current best practice emphasizes positive programming through positive reinforcement. This caveat does not discount the overall value of this manual in considerations of how to teach basic skills to severe learners.

