There are some prerequisites to instructional control, attending and preacademic skills as prerequisites for entry to DI curriculum-- Zig Engelmann covers them and has posted, "The Low Performer's Manual" for what those skills are and how one might teach them.

http://www.zigsite. com/LowPerfomers Pro.htm


I don't know why Language For Learning is quite is as expensive as it is--that's a publisher question. For a lower cost option, try eBay, or see if your intervention district has a set that you can borrow.


The DI curricula, including the language curricula are systematic and field tested language programs that have the advantage of being explicitly scripted so that you don't have to be overly concerned about the scheduling of review, how the targets are going to mesh with each other,. There is a systematized error correction and firming procedure, so that the student does not move forward without having mastered the language targets and concepts. At its heart it is a year-long curriculum and structured to deliver instruction in that framework, although there is a fast-cycle option to move a student along more quickly as long as s/he is still mastering the material.


Sidebar: The Freeman and Dake program, Teach Me Language covers some of the same concept areas, but because it is not a systemized curriculum, it will assume that you know how to assess, determine targets, deliver instruction, to error correct, and determine mastery. So it is more like the individual "programs" that one is used to in an ABA program. Just for completeness, here's the link for the TOC from"Teach Me Language"

http://www.superdup erinc.com/ S_Pages/skf01. htm


Let me throw out a little more info on Language for Learning and the next program in the DI sequence, Language for Thinking.


SRA website, Language for Learning 2008--Looks like a new edition is coming out.

Under the description, see

More Info: Gives scope and sequence

Sample Lessons,

Placement Test--to determine whether this is the appropriate curriculum and starting point

https://www. sraonline. com/products. html?PHPSESSID= 2fe09f56c03a28be 31d0ff5f4381f21d &tid=9&sid= 3258


A possible alternative to see scope and sequence AND placement test:

Language for Learning 1999 - Additional Teacher's Guide

ISBN: 9780026746526

MHID: 0026746522

Price: $26.97


Language for Thinking - Additional Teacher's Guide

ISBN: 9780026848954

MHID: 0026848953

Price: $26.97


Also:Placement test for Language for Learning (2008)

https://www. sraonline. com/products. html?tid= 8&sid=70#


Also on the SRA website

Language for Thinking 2002


More Info

https://www. sraonline. com/products. html?PHPSESSID= d43f0ce2ae2c7276 1af3175e2362c85a &tid=13&sid= 71

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Special Connections- -DI Language Programs

http://www.specialc onnections. ku.edu/cgi- bin/cgiwrap/ specconn/ main.php? cat=instruction& section=main& subsection= di/language

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More info and approximate scope and sequence

The programs, each of 150 lessons, use an explicit instructional approach, scripted lessons, signaled responses, immediate error correction, cumulative review, and mastery learning.

The Language concepts are those associated with classroom instruction: Basic information and background knowledge; Sequencing actions and stories; Strategies for using language to solve problems; Basic language conventions such as synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, comparatives, and superlatives; Thinking skills such as how to draw conclusions from facts and make reasonable predictions.

Language for Learning is comprised of six learning strands: actions, descriptions of objects, information and background knowledge, instructional words and problem-solving concepts, classification, and problem-solving strategies. A typical 30-minute class lesson might include a number of exercises drawn from any or all of the strands. A typical lesson consists of a small amount of new material and practice exercises that require students to apply much of the previously taught content.


More on scope and sequence:



Beginning Level course (150 Lessons)

Actions: children learn many language concepts through actions, including: Parts of the Body; Verb Tense; Pronouns

Description of Objects: Object Identification; Identity Statements; Common Objects; Plurals; Opposites; Figuring out Missing Objects

Information and Background Knowledge: Names; School Information; Days of the Week; Months of the Year; Seasons; Part/Whole Relationships; Materials; Common Information; Locations

Instructional Words and Problem-Solving Concepts: Spatial and Temporal Relations; Before/After; Prepositions; And; Same/Different; Some, All, None; Or; Where, Who, When, What; If-Then Rules


Problem-Solving Strategies and Applications

Listening to Stories and Answering Comprhension Questions

See also: https://www. sraonline. com/download/ LanguageforLearn ing2008/MoreInfo /ScopeandSequenc e/L4L_ScopeAndSe quence.pdf



Higher Level/next course (150 Lessons), is suitable for children who have completed or have mastered comparable skills toLanguage for Learning. Children who pass the Placement Test may begin this course even without first doing the Language for Learning course.



Reasoning and Critical Thinking: Classification; Absurdity; If/Then; True/False; Only; statements; analogies

Vocabulary Development: Opposites; Synonyms; Definitions; Verb Tense; Double Negatives; Contractions; Superlatives; Homonyms

Observing and Describing

Comprehension Concepts: Questioning Skills; Retelling; Inferences

Interpreting Graphic Displays: Left/Right; Map Reading



Happy Holidays,

Regina F.

http://precisiontea ching.pbwiki. com

http://verbalbehavi or.pbwiki. com





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