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Consultants and Schools

Page history last edited by Regina Claypool-Frey 15 years, 8 months ago


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Guidelines, Consultants and Schools

Listing is for information only and does not constitute recommendation, endorsement or warranty. Check references of providers. Omission is because page is in development and does not constitute evaluation by omission.


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What Makes An Effective Home-Based ABA Provider?


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Michael Goldberg; Autism Bulletin blog


"...David Celiberti, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) with a private practice in New Jersey, is a leading advocate in the profession for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) providers to work closely with parents....Celiberti outlined what he considers the characteristics of good parent-provider relationships, and what makes for good quality services for home-based ABA programs. ... Celiberti aimed his remarks at behavior analysts, with the knowledge that others among the 1,600 attendees included educators, advocates and parents.)...


Ten issues Celiberti highlighted:



1. Build a working understanding of behavioral terminology, so they don't sound off-putting to parents. Resources to help include the Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT), the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, and a group within The Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) International called the Autism Special Interest Group (SIG), which publishes an Revised Guidelines for Consumers of Applied Behavior Analysis Services to Individuals with Autism and Related Disorders.


2. Understand that history with past providers can color a family's attitude and approach to a new provider


3. Communicate concerns efficiently, clearly and early. Don't wait for problems to fester.


4. Make feedback constructive and balanced.

5. Share information on cultural matters when needed. (Religious observances for example.)

6. Expect data-driven decision-making from all providers. What works when depends on what the evidence shows. (This was a key take-away from the conference, as other dispatches here will show.)

7. Tell ABA providers if you (or your spouse) can't take data, so an ABA provider can make alternative arrangements.

8. Be open and honest if you are taking part in alternatives to ABA, including biomedical therapies. An open dialogue is essential, Celiberti said.

9. Network with other families and share experiences and resources with them.

10. Understand your legal rights and how to best advocate for your child. Celiberti recommended Wrightslaw as a good online resource.("...)



Guidelines for choosing an ABA Provider

Guidelines developed by: Karla Levermore-Rich, Chairperson of FEAT-GBA

Families for Effective Autism Treatment; Greater Bay Area

Some replication of the Autism-SIG recommendations, with some of the FAQs that parents have.



VIDEO: "Selecting an ABA Service Provider"

Harvey "Jerry" Evans, M.Ed.., BCBA, South Carolina




Revised Guidelines for Consumers of Applied Behavior Analysis... 

Services to Individuals with Autism and Related Disorders



The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)


Certificant Registry

BACB Site Index



BACB Certificant Registry and Lists of consultants & schools


ABA service providers

ABA Resources-autism-pdd-hyperlexia-Richard Saffran

Schools claiming to use ABA as a primary intervention


Schools claiming to use ABA as a primary intervention

ABA Resources-autism-pdd-hyperlexia-Richard Saffran



VB/ABA Consultants and schools listed by state

Note: Listing does not constitute recommendation or endorsement.


Ordered by STATE



Travelling consultancies and workshops. contact office for areas served.


The Learning Tree's

Little Tree Campus

Auburn, AL


Innovative Behavior Analysis Support Systems

Little Rock, AR


STE Consultants LLC

Berkeley, CA


Effective Learning Environments

Los Angeles, CA

Long distance consultation also available


Behavior Analysts, Inc.

Pleasant Hill, CA


The Bay School

Santa Cruz, CA


Brilliant Minds

Destin, FL


Whole Child Consulting

Dunnellon, FL (also distant consult)


1st Choice Behavior Solutions, Inc.

(serving Orange, Seminole, and Volusia County)

Sanford, FL


Interventions Unlimited

Winter Park, FL


Integrated Behavioral Solutions

Atlanta, GA

see also--Keystone Center For Children With Autism


(Seeking an Atlanta site).


Reinforcement Unlimited

Atlanta, GA


Circles Behavior Consultation Services

Bloomington, IL


Autism Specialists of Chicago, Inc.

Chicago, IL


Verbal Behavior Center for Autism

Fishers, and Indianapolis, IN


Enedelia \"Amy\" Sanner, M.A., BCBA

Gardner, KS (Johnson County, eastern Douglas County, and northern Miami County)

ages 12 mos. to 12 yrs


Behavioral Intervention Group

Baton Rouge, LA


Partners in Behavioral Milestones

Kansas City, MO


TCLC Mississippi Behavior Clinic

Ridgeland, MS


The Mariposa School for Children with Autism

Cary, NC


let's talk Speech & Language Services, Inc.

Owners, Tracy Vail , MS. CCC/SLP and Tanya McDowell, MS, CCC/SLP

Raleigh, NC


Allegro School, Inc.

Cedar Knolls, NJ


Garden Academy

Orange, NJ


Reed Academy

Garfield, NJ


VBN Training




South River, NJ


The Carbone Clinic

Cottage Valley, NY


Christina Burk, M.A., Consulting Behavior Analyst

Bronx, NY


Elija School

Bethpage, NY


The Milagre Kids School

Hatboro, PA


Clarity Behavioral Consulting

Langhorne, PA


Potential, Inc.

Newtown, PA


Effective Learning Environments

Philadelphia, PA

Long distance consultation also available


Central Texas Autism Center

Austin, TX



Austin, TX


Autism Consulting Services LLC 

Corpus Christi, TX


Wayman Learning Center

Plano, TX


BTTC Day Treatment Program

Rosenberg, TX


Aurora School

Purcellville, VA


David Powsner MEd BCBA

Sd Associates LLC

202 Scotts Road

Ira, VT 05777

802-235-9322: Evening

802-236-0121: Day

website in the future


ABA Learning Centre

Richmond, B.C., Canada


Step by Step Learning Group

c/o Dr. Elizabeth Benedetto-Nasho, C. Psych and Kevin Cauley

Contact for specific populations served

Georgetown, Ontario, Canada


Applied Behaviour Analysis Centre for Autism Schooling (ABACAS)

Kilbarrek, Drogheda, Co. Louth and Kilnamannagh, South Dublin.


Learning Centre for Autistic Children/The Red Door

Autism and rel. disabilities / Special needs

Blackrock, Co. Dublin., Ireland


Saplings Model of Education (for children with autism)

Autism and rel. disabilities / Special needs

Co. Kildare, Ireland








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